Whistleblower Claims And Retaliation: If You Are Taking A Stand, Do Not Stand Alone
Many major corporations and large entities have become skilled at violating the law and acting unethically while also avoiding detection. And as the budgets and resources of regulatory agencies continue to decline, the problem is getting worse.
When law-breaking organizations do get caught and held accountable, it is often because of the brave actions of whistleblower employees. If you are ready to blow the whistle on your employer’s illegal activities or have already done so, your job and even your career may be at risk. But the attorneys at Maloney O'Laughlin PLLC are here to protect your rights, your reputation and your ability to earn a living.
What Is Required To Be Considered A Whistleblower?
If you believe your employer or fellow employees are violating the law, you are in position to be a whistleblower. You become a whistleblower by doing one or more of the following:
- Reporting the violation to your employer
- Reporting the violation to an outside agency
- Refusing to participate in the illegal activity
- Providing assistance into an official investigation of the activity
Reporting a violation to your employer might be appropriate if you believe your employer is not behind the wrongdoing or complicit in it. If they likely are, then going to an outside agency is more prudent.
You Have Rights And Legal Protections As A Whistleblower
There are dozens of federal laws related to workplace safety, environmental protection, consumer protection and other public interests that contain provisions protecting whistleblowers who report illegal employer behavior. Laws prohibiting employer retaliation specifically carve out protections for whistleblowers.
Here in Washington, you also have protections as a state employee under the Whistleblower Act if you report improper or unlawful government action.
Whistleblowers are protected against retaliation (suffering negative employment consequences) for reporting illegal activity. This includes protection against being fired. If you are fired or otherwise retaliated against, you can pursue damages through employment litigation.
Contact Us To Learn More
As a potential whistleblower, you likely have questions and concerns about your protections, privacy rights and other matters. The best way to get case-specific information is to speak to a lawyer. Maloney O'Laughlin PLLC is a Seattle-based firm committed to representing employees in all employee disputes. To share your story with us and get your whistleblower questions answered, contact our office at 206-536-2338 or send us an email.