Maloney O'Laughlin PLLC fights for employees throughout Washington, from Seattle to Spokane.

Maloney O'Laughlin PLLC fights for employees throughout Washington, from Seattle to Spokane.

Protection against immigration discrimination

On Behalf of | Nov 3, 2023 | Race And National Origin Discrimination

Washington State has taken a significant step to safeguard the rights of workers through An Act Related to Discrimination Based on Citizenship or Immigration Status.

The law went into effect on June 11, 2020. It helps protect the one in seven people in the state who are immigrants, according to the Washington State Human Rights Commission.

Bans for employers

This law strongly takes a stance against employment discrimination based on citizenship or immigration status. Employers cannot make unfair choices when hiring, firing, deciding how much to pay or giving benefits to their workers. The law makes sure that employers judge employees only by their skills and qualifications, not where they come from or their immigration story.

By being tough on employment discrimination, this law makes workplaces where all employees have the same chance to do well.

Empowering employees

This law has an important component that gives employees the authority to take action against unfair practices at work. It permits individuals who experience discrimination on the job to report their concerns, seek legal solutions and make their employers responsible for their behavior. This not only prevents discrimination but also encourages workers to assert their rights when they face unfair treatment at work.

By using the active voice, this law ensures that the rules regarding employment discrimination are clear and transparent. It sets up a strong legal framework to safeguard the rights and respect of all workers.

An Act Related to Discrimination Based on Citizenship or Immigration Status in Washington State represents a significant step in the battle against employment discrimination. It fosters a work environment that supports equality and fairness for all employees.