The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) offers people with disabilities legal protections to help ensure that they have equal opportunities in the workplace. Asking for accommodations isn’t asking for special privileges. It’s merely asking for a “level playing...
Maloney O'Laughlin PLLC fights for employees throughout Washington, from Seattle to Spokane.
Month: October 2023
How long do I have to sue for workplace discrimination in WA?
Every employee deserves a stress-free workplace. And most employers take appropriate measures to ensure that the workplace is conducive. However, it’s not uncommon for an employee to encounter an incident of discrimination. Whether it is perpetrated by the employer,...
Unweaving the complexities of hair discrimination
Many businesses have dress codes every employee must follow. Some dress codes specifically detail grooming practices. For example, a dress code may state the length, color and texture of hair and facial hair accepted in the workplace. When employees do not follow...
How to guard against disability discrimination in your workplace
Disability discrimination in the workplace presents a significant concern, and you must know how to protect against it. Unfortunately, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission reported that workers filed over 24,000 disability discrimination claims in 2020....