Maloney O'Laughlin PLLC fights for employees throughout Washington, from Seattle to Spokane.

Maloney O'Laughlin PLLC fights for employees throughout Washington, from Seattle to Spokane.

4 retaliatory actions in the workplace

On Behalf of | Mar 20, 2024 | Retaliation

You’ve likely been told that your boss is not your friend. This isn’t true about every boss, but this is often said by people who have had bad experiences with former bosses who have used their position to take advantage of employees. An employer has a lot of power and they may use it against you if they feel slighted or, simply put, don’t like you. 

If you did something that your employer didn’t like, such as reporting discrimination or sexual harassment, they may take retaliatory actions. Here are a few to watch out for:

Denying promotions and raises

You may have been promised a promotion or raise. You’ve been working hard for it and getting it would show just how much of an asset you are to your job. Your employer, however, may refuse to give you a promotion or raise as a form of retaliation. 

Excluding employees from meetings

One of the things that employers do to retaliate against employees is excluding them from meetings. You may not be informed about important conversations that are crucial for your job. You may even be removed from group texts or emails.  

Overworking an employee

You should always feel like the work you do is manageable. Your employer may give you more and more work until you feel stressed and overwhelmed. This can lower your performance and make you resent going to work. 

Changing an employee’s shift

You may have a consistent work schedule that fits perfectly into your life. Your employer could change that without any notice, which can conflict with life outside of work.

These actions can create a toxic work environment and are often done in the hopes that an employee will leave. If you believe you’re a victim of workplace retaliation, then you may need to learn about your legal options.