Regardless of where you work and the job you do, you should never have to put up with sexual harassment. Unfortunately, though, sexual harassment remains pervasive in Washington and across the country.
If you become a victim of sexual harassment at work, you may expect to feel some short-term ickiness. You also may have trouble completing your job duties satisfactorily. According to reporting from ABC News, however, you may be in store for some long-term psychological injuries.
Self-blame and isolation
Researchers have found a close link between sexual harassment and both self-blame and isolation. Regrettably, these are not likely to go away when sexual harassment stops. That is, you may continue to blame or isolate yourself for years after the threat ends.
Anxiety and depression
Sexual harassment may cause you to experience stress and sadness every time you go to work. Just like with self-blame and isolation, your anxiety and depression may last for years. Even with therapy and other mental health treatments, harassment-related anxiety and depression may interfere with virtually every aspect of your life.
Anger and combativeness
Finally, due to transference, sexual harassment may turn you into an angry and combative person. You may even lose your ability to respond to normal situations in a calm and collected manner. Sadly, your anger may persist long after you leave your job, potentially straining the relationships you have with those who mean the most to you.
Even though you must work to support yourself and your family members, no salary is sufficient to compensate you for the deterioration of your mental well-being. Ultimately, if your employer refuses to intervene and stop sexual harassment, you may be eligible for substantial financial compensation.