Maloney O'Laughlin PLLC fights for employees throughout Washington, from Seattle to Spokane.

Maloney O'Laughlin PLLC fights for employees throughout Washington, from Seattle to Spokane.

Is it disability discrimination if someone can’t lift 50 pounds? 

On Behalf of | Oct 30, 2024 | Disability Discrimination And Accommodation

If you apply for a job, it may require that you are able to lift 50 pounds. This is common in physical labor jobs, such as working in construction or working in a warehouse. You may need to lift and carry different products, tools or machines. It’s an inherent part of the job, so the employer wants to make sure that you can carry it out successfully and consistently.

But wouldn’t this be a form of disability discrimination? Say that you have a disability that prevents you from lifting 50 pounds. Are you now being discriminated against if you’re denied the job?

Accommodations may be necessary

This is a complicated issue because some jobs inherently require certain physical activities that may be impossible for someone with a specific disability. This is why employers are allowed to ask if potential employees can lift 50 pounds. They are not trying to be discriminatory, but simply trying to hire employees who will be able to perform the required duties without risking injury.

When accommodations may be necessary, though, is if you already had the job and then you suffered an injury that prevents you from lifting 50 pounds on your own. In some situations, this may mean that you can be terminated and it wouldn’t be an example of discrimination. But in other situations, there are reasonable accommodations an employer can make – such as providing lifting assistance devices, reassigning your duties, or having other employees assist – so that you can keep your job.

This means that a disability case is going to be rather nuanced, looking at the unique specifics of that situation and what accommodations would or would not be possible without creating undue hardship for your employer. Be sure you understand all of your legal rights at this time.